LifeCycle Data Insights Now Available for Sharing

Cyclists in Jersey participating in the pilot of the LifeCycle Data Trust have been collecting journey data on behalf of LifeCycle since March 2023, covering over 100,000 km around the island in the process.

LifeCycle Data Insights Now Available for Sharing


Cyclists in Jersey participating in the pilot of the LifeCycle Data Trust (LifeCycle) have been collecting journey data on behalf of LifeCycle since March 2023, covering over 100,000 km around the island in the process (the Cyclists).


Analysis of the database has been undertaken and the LifeCycle Trustee now has a selection of data insight reports available to share with eligible local organisations (subject to LifeCycle Trustee approval). To apply for access to the insights, please complete this FORM.


LifeCycle Data Library


The following LifeCycle data insight reports (Reports) are available:


1.       Ride Reports

Cyclists can submit incident reports after any ride.  


Data collected: Incident type (close pass/collision/pothole/obstruction/other),GPS location, severity rating and free text.


Processing: Raw data has been anonymised for data protection purposes


Available: All recorded ride reports.


Report format: Map views + CSV file


2.    Route Popularity & Speed Mapping

This comprehensive Report draws on aggregated journeys tracked by Cyclists.

Data collected:  GPS position by time

Processing:  Aggregated journey data


·      Route popularity & speed mapping

·      Comprehensive route data

·      Infrastructure speed mapping

·      AtoB & chained journeys (active travel) versus AtoA circular journeys (leisure)

·      Peak commute mapping

Report format:  Powerpoint report

3.    Safety and Infrastructure Quality


This Report draws on aggregated journeys tracked by Cyclists.

Data collected: Light sensor data plus GPS position by time

Processing: Aggregated journey data


·      Braking, swerving and road surface hotspots

·       Road roughness mapping

Report format: Powerpoint

4.    Dwell Time and Junction Analysis

This Report draws on aggregated journeys tracked by Cyclists.

Data collected:  GPS position by time

Processing:  Aggregated journey data


·      Extended stationary periods map

·       Stop probability & duration

·       Popular pause points

Report format: Powerpoint

5.    Aggregate Origin/Destination Mapping

This Report draws on aggregated journeys tracked by Cyclists.

Data collected:  GPS position by time

Processing:  Aggregated journey data

Available:  Cycle traffic flows to understand aggregate origins and destinations

Report format: Powerpoint


Cyclist Cohort


Top level data description provided here: DATA DESCRIPTION



How to Access The Reports  


Eligible organisations can request access to LifeCycle’s Reports by submitting a request to the LifeCycle Trustee on this FORM.


Eligible organisations must meet certain criteria:

They must be a corporate entity (charitable, non-charitable, governmental, commercial or otherwise) and be able to demonstrate:


·     Compliance with Jersey Data Protection Law.


·     An explicit mandate or public commitment to encourage cycling or making cycling easier, safer or better in Jersey.


·     That access to the data or data insights will be used to inform decisions about how to encourage cycling or make it easier, safer or better to cycle in Jersey.



Please note that the terms of the LifeCycle Trust restrict certain “ineligible” groups accessing the Reports:


·     Any media organisation or member of the media of any country


·     Providers of activity tracking technology or services;


·     Individuals & informal groups


The LifeCycle Trustee will refuse any applications to access Reports made by such persons.

More news

LifeCycle Data Trust - Data Statement

The LifeCycle Trustees have contracted with all cyclists participating in the LifeCycle Data Trust pilot (the Cyclists). In order to participate, Cyclists were asked to answer a number of mandatory and optional questions about themselves. This data is self-reported, unverified information.

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